As the nation’s largest reporting center tracking anti-AAPI hate acts, our coalition publishes data insights and research findings to paint a vivid and nuanced picture of racism and other forms of bigotry as it is experienced by our communities.
Hate incidents and crimes often go unreported. We are asking people to report incidences such as harassment and violence to standagainsthatred.org so that we can tell a more complete story about the racism and xenophobia directed toward Asian Americans.
NAPABA may be able to provide pro bono (free) legal assistance to you if you have been the victim of a hate crime or hate incident. NAPABA wants to ensure that local communities have the tools they need to address hate fueled attacks.
Report a hate crime locally to the San Diego DA Office. The DA’s Office can be contacted directly at hatecrimes@sdcda.org or call 619-515-8805.